Catch up on the latest insights and perspectives from Blueprint’s thought leaders.
Discover six strategies for Databricks that use the Lakehouse Optimizer to enhance performance, contain costs, and accelerate your business
Understand the data privacy new legislation and why a proactive
approach to compliance is critical to your data privacy program.
Humor is much more than a cosmetic veneer. It is a fantastic way to create rapport with people and build trust. But if you want to market yourself on a global scale, how do you ensure your humor doesn’t fall flat in an international market?
Whether you’ve decided to update your data estate by moving onto the cloud, are in the middle of a cloud migration, or just starting to learn about cloud migration and its benefits, here are our methodologies and best practices.
Localization is not just an added layer of convenience for your customers or a necessary step to sell your product to more people – it’s a way of showing your audience that you recognize who they are even before they become customers.
If you’ve ever wondered how leading retailers like Amazon decide how to locate their distribution centers for quick, efficient, and cost-effective shipping and delivery, read below to learn the best-in-class tools and techniques available to you.
Traditionally, customer loyalty programs focus strictly on signups and discounts. That’s not enough anymore. The solution lies in connecting your data to your customer experience.
Since the peak in sales during the Covid-19 shutdown, fast food traffic has continued to see its post-pandemic decline. Consumers still want fast food, but they don’t want to go back to pre-pandemic times. They have new demands.
Your customers haven’t left your business for good, they’re just not happy with the customer experience they’re receiving. With Blueprint’s help, we can help you modernize the in-store experience to compete with online retailers.
To remain competitive in today’s market, restaurants and retail companies need to establish a modern inventory management system to keep up with demand. How do they set demand? Manually. Let’s change that.
If you’re not aware of how and when you’re using your cloud operations, you are wasting money. What does a messy cloud look like and how can you fix it?
When brought on as an innovation partner, Blueprint prioritizes discovering the root cause of every issue a company faces. The first step of this process is a Course of Action Assessment. Why are they necessary?
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