Case Studies

Problem solving at its best.

Creating an end-to-end AI/ML data pipeline to eliminate inefficient marketing, reduce intra-brand competition and increase profitability
Establishing a cloud solution for an onboard truck scale manufacturer to enable access to near real-time data and open the door to a new software as a service
Building an automated flexible modern data estate for a renewable energy company that scales to meet demand
Coupling machine learning techniques with highly scalable cloud resources to deliver deep insights from video data
Implementing a full modern data estate within a 100 year old oil drilling company, reducing manual efforts and depreciating expensive legacy systems
Building a modern project management portal and document management system to manage multiple projects
Using video analysis and pattern recognition to prevent terrorist attacks and drive global logistical innovation
Increasing product adoption and satisfaction by proactively engaging new and existing customers
Designing a customer support strategy to respond to financial and payment discrepancies within 30 minutes
Connecting data to Azure products to help a leading hydrocarbon exploration and production company adopt a one-cloud strategy
Developing a flexible modern data estate for an established oil and gas exploration and production company
Building a data factory to unlock analytics and elevate the customer experience

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